Corporate Name
Country where it is established or from which it may access the Personal data
Subcontracted Services

Established: USA.
Country from which it accesses personal data: UK (location of Zerion’s instance).
Provides hosting services for Zerion’s platform.
GDPR compliant. Privacy Shield certified.

Established: USA.
Country from which it accesses personal data: USA (location of Zerion’s instance).
Provides hosting services for Zerion’s platform.
GDPR compliant. Privacy Shield certified.

Established: USA.
Country from which it accesses personal data: USA (location of Zerion’s instance).
Provides email services for Zerion’s platform.
GDPR compliant. Privacy Shield certified.

Established: USA.
Country from which it accesses personal data: USA (location of Zerion’s instance).
Provides mapping services for Zerion’s platform.
GDPR compliant. Privacy Shield certified.

Established: USA.
Country from which it accesses personal data: USA (location of Zerion’s instance) , EU, APAC, and SA through AWS.
Provides maps for Zerion Mobile Apps and Web Platform.
GDPR compliant. Privacy Shield certified.

Country from which it accesses personal data: USA (location of Zerion’s instance).
Provides custom PDF technology for Zerion Documents.
GDPR compliant. Privacy Shield certified.

Established: USA.
Country from which it accesses personal data: USA (location of Zerion’s instance).
Provides Mobile App’s activity and information for crash reports.
GDPR compliant.
Category of Data Subjects
The personal data transferred concerns the following categories for data subjects. Any personal data that the Customer chooses to include in the forms they create using Zerion Software Inc’s services.
Type of Data
The personal data transferred to Zerion Software Inc. is determined and controlled by the Customer in its sole discretion. As such Zerion Software Inc. has no control over the volume and sensitivity of personal data processed through its service by the Customer.
Subject Matter of Processing is the Following Data
Zerion does not intentionally collect or process any special categories of data in the provision of its service. Under the Agreement, the Customer agrees not to provide special categories of data to Zerion at any time.
Duration of the Processing
The processing is conducted until termination of the Services Agreement, unless instructed otherwise by Customer/Controller at Customer’s sole discretion.
Zerion is a software-as-a-service provider who does the following:
Zerion provides a flexible mobile data collection platform that Customer uses to build templates and create forms to collect information directly in the field. Zerion stores the information collected by Customer. Information is encrypted in transit and in storage.
Purpose of the Processing
To transfer and store actionable data collected by Customers in the field via mobile devices.